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Electric bikes have revolutionized the way we commute and explore the great outdoors. With the added benefit of electrical assistance, they make cycling accessible to a broader range of people. Not to mention, an e-bike is an eco-friendly option that beats a car any day.

However, like any machine, electric bikes can sometimes run into issues. Knowing how to troubleshoot these problems can save you time and money. In this comprehensive electric bike troubleshooting guide, we'll delve into how to identify and resolve some of the common issues you might encounter with your e-bike. Feel free to contact eBikeling for all your e-bike repair needs!

Battery Problems

The battery is the heart of your electric bike. It powers your ride, so it's vital that it functions correctly. Common issues range from not holding a charge to not delivering power efficiently. Here’s how you can troubleshoot battery problems:

Checking Connections and Charging

Before diving into complex diagnostics, always begin by inspecting the basics. Ensure the battery is securely connected to the bike and that the connectors are clean. Corrosion or dirt on the connectors can prevent power from flowing efficiently. In addition, confirm that the battery has sufficient charge. Sometimes, a simple oversight such as forgetting to charge the battery can be the culprit.

Battery Charger

A defective charger can be a reason your battery isn’t charging. Check your charger AND the battery charger port for any signs of physical damage. Note the behavior of the charger's indicator lights; they usually have a sequence to indicate whether the charging is in progress or complete. If these lights behave abnormally, it may be time to invest in a new charger.

Battery Health Assessment

Batteries have a finite life cycle. If your battery isn’t holding charge as it used to, it’s likely nearing the end of its life cycle. You can use a multimeter to measure the battery voltage. Compare the reading with the rated voltage which you'll find in the battery's manual. If there's a significant discrepancy, it’s time to replace the battery.

Motor Malfunctions of Electric Bikes

electric bike

The motor is what sets an electric bike apart from a conventional bicycle. It’s responsible for the electric pedal-assist system that e-bikes are known for. When the motor malfunctions, it can significantly affect the performance and experience of riding your e-bike. Here are some troubleshooting steps to resolve motor issues.

Verifying Electric Bike Motor Connections

A common issue with e-bike motors is loose or damaged connections. Inspect the wires running to the motor to make sure they are securely connected and free from damage. Look for any signs of fraying or corrosion and address these immediately. Use a multimeter to ensure that the electrical connections are transmitting power. If there's resistance in the circuit or no continuity, it might be a sign of a broken wire or a bad connection. If you find damaged wires, you might need to replace them or have a professional look into them.

Testing Motor Output

If your motor isn't running, you can test its output by lifting the rear wheel off the ground and engaging the electric bike throttle. Listen for any strange sounds like grinding or clunking. These could indicate internal damage to the motor gears. Additionally, check for any irregular resistance or binding when the wheel rotates. If the wheel doesn't spin freely, there could be an issue with the motor's internal components. Depending on the problem, you might need to repair or replace the motor. Moreover, some e-bikes have diagnostic tools or apps that can help you check the status and performance of the motor. Utilize these tools if available.

Motor Pedal Assist

If the motor doesn't engage when you start pedaling, the pedal assist sensor might be malfunctioning. Ensure it’s properly aligned and clean. Sometimes dirt or an improper alignment can cause the sensor to malfunction. The sensor should be positioned near the crank, the gap between the pedal assist sensor and the magnet disk should be less than half an inch, and must not be obstructed by any debris. If cleaning doesn’t resolve the issue, try resetting the system as some e-bikes allow you to recalibrate the pedal assist settings. If all else fails, the sensor might be defective and may require replacement. Consult your e-bike manual for instructions on sensor replacement or visit a professional technician.

Motor Throttle

If your e-bike has a throttle and it’s not functioning correctly, this could manifest as unresponsiveness or erratic behavior. Firstly, check for any physical damages or loose connections in the throttle control. Sometimes a simple adjustment or tightening can fix the issue. If the throttle control is physically intact, consult your e-bike manual on how to recalibrate it. In some cases, throttle issues might be a symptom of a depleted battery, so ensure your battery is charged. If calibration doesn't resolve the issue, you might need to replace the throttle control. For throttle replacement, you might want to consult a professional technician, especially if your e-bike is under warranty.

Controller Issues

The electric bike controller acts as the brain of your electric bike, orchestrating how power is distributed from the battery to the motor. When the controller malfunctions, it can create a range of issues from a complete loss of power to erratic behavior. Here, we will discuss how to troubleshoot controller issues to get your e-bike running smoothly again.

Controller Reset Procedure

Sometimes all your controller needs is a reset. This can often resolve issues like unresponsiveness or erratic behavior. To reset the controller, refer to your e-bike’s user manual for the specific procedure as this can vary between models. Generally, this involves holding down certain buttons on the e-bike's display for a few seconds, or switching off and on the battery. It is also recommended to remove the battery and leave it disconnected for a few minutes before reconnecting it, as this can help in resetting the controller. After resetting the controller, check if the e-bike operates normally. If not, there could be other issues, such as damaged components in the controller.

Identifying and Replacing Damaged Components

Inspect the controller for any visible signs of damage, such as burned areas, loose connections, or frayed wires. A damaged controller might get unusually hot, emit a burnt smell, or fail to distribute power effectively. If you spot any damage or if the controller is not functioning correctly after a reset, it’s likely that the controller or some of its components need replacing.

Before replacing the entire controller, it's a good idea to check if only specific components are damaged. In some cases, replacing a single component such as a capacitor, wire, or connector can solve the problem. However, if the damage is extensive or if you are not comfortable working with electronics, it's advisable to replace the entire controller unit.

When replacing the controller, make sure that the new controller is compatible with your e-bike's motor and battery. Also, double-check all connections and settings after installing the new controller to ensure that everything is set up correctly.

If you are not confident in identifying and replacing controller components yourself, it is highly advisable to consult a professional e-bike technician to handle the controller repair or replacement. Remember that working with electrical components can be hazardous if you're not familiar with safe practices.

Display and Electronics 

e bike

The display and electronics are your interfaces with the e-bike, providing you with information and controls. They are crucial for monitoring your e-bike's performance, ensuring that you have the necessary data to make informed decisions while riding and controlling various settings.

Electronics Wiring Inspection

A tangle of wires is often found in the electronics of an e-bike. Ensuring that these wires are properly connected is essential. First, look for any frayed or cut wires; these could cause short circuits or loss of power to certain components. Make sure that the connectors are firmly plugged in and that there is no corrosion at the connections. Moreover, it is crucial to ensure that the wires are securely fastened and tucked away to avoid getting caught in any moving parts, which could not only damage the wires but also lead to accidents.

Display Error Codes

Your e-bike’s display might show error codes when something goes wrong. These codes are generally a combination of letters and numbers. It’s essential to consult your user manual for the meaning of these codes as they can help pinpoint exactly what the issue is. From battery issues to sensor malfunctions, the error codes are your e-bike's way of communicating what needs your attention. In some cases, you might be able to resolve the issue on your own; in others, it’s best to take your e-bike to a professional.

Brake Levers, Brake Pads, and Sensor Complications

Brakes are critical for safety, and sensors help in the functioning of various features such as pedal assist. Ensuring that brake levers, brake cable, and the inhibitor switch are in good working condition is vital for a safe and enjoyable riding experience.

Brake Calibration

If your brake pads feel spongy or are not effective, or your brake motor inhibitor switch is fixed in a static position, the brakes may need calibration or bleeding (for hydraulic brakes). Calibration adjusts the brakes to work effectively. For mechanical brakes, this might involve tightening the cables. For hydraulic brakes, bleeding involves removing any air bubbles from the fluid. Check your user manual for the specific procedure, or consider taking your e-bike to a professional for brake servicing. Properly calibrated brakes are essential for your safety!

Sensor Testing and Replacement

Sensors, such as speed sensors or torque sensors, play an important role in how your e-bike performs. They can sometimes fail due to dirt, moisture, or general wear and tear. Consult your user manual on how to test these sensors. Some displays can run diagnostics and show you the status of various sensors. If a sensor is malfunctioning, depending on the type of sensor and the e-bike model, you might be able to replace it yourself or it might require professional service.


Chain and Drivetrain Problems

The chain and drivetrain are critical for propelling the bike forward, especially when you're not using an electric assist. They undergo a lot of stress and, thus, require regular maintenance.

Chain Tension and Alignment

Inspect the chain for proper tension and make sure it’s properly aligned on the sprockets. A loose chain can cause poor performance or even damage other components. Conversely, a chain that is too tight can wear out sprockets and reduce the efficiency of your pedaling. Use a chain tool to adjust tension and alignment. It is also important to make sure that the chain is clean and well-lubricated.

Drivetrain Maintenance

The drivetrain includes the chain, gears, and derailleurs. It's important to clean and lubricate the drivetrain regularly. A dirty drivetrain can wear out faster, and grime can reduce the efficiency of your gear shifts. Use specialized cleaning agents and lubricants designed for bike chains and gears. Inspect the gears for any worn-out teeth, and ensure that the derailleurs are properly aligned. It’s wise to have the drivetrain professionally serviced at least once a year.

Preventative Maintenance

Preventing problems is often easier than fixing them. Regular maintenance is essential to ensure that your electric bike remains in optimal working condition, helping to prevent costly repairs in the future. Besides enhancing your riding experience, it also contributes to the longevity of your e-bike.

Regular Inspection and Cleaning

Regular inspection and cleaning are key to maintaining your e-bike's performance. At least once a week, give your e-bike a once-over, checking for any loose bolts, worn tires, or unusual noises that might indicate a problem. Cleaning your e-bike regularly is also important. Use a soft brush and mild soap to clean the frame and components. Avoid using a high-pressure washer as it can force water into electrical components. Make sure to lubricate the chain and other moving parts after cleaning to ensure smooth operation.

Battery Care and Storage

common electric bike problems

The battery is one of the most critical components of your e-bike and is usually the most expensive to replace. It's essential to take good care of it. Always store the battery in a cool, dry place and avoid exposing it to extreme temperatures as this can affect the battery's performance and lifespan. If you plan on storing your e-bike for an extended period, charge the battery fully before storage. Additionally, it's good practice to partially charge the battery if it's not in use for a while, as storing it at a 100% or 0% charge can be detrimental to its health. Avoid leaving the battery on the charger for extended periods past full charge.

Calibration and Firmware Updates

Calibrating sensors and updating the firmware regularly is vital for the optimum performance of your e-bike. Manufacturers often release firmware updates that can fix known issues or enhance the performance of your e-bike. Keep an eye on your manufacturer’s website or forums for announcements regarding firmware updates. The calibration of sensors, such as the pedal-assist sensor or the torque sensor, is also crucial. Improperly calibrated sensors can result in suboptimal performance or even safety issues. Refer to your user manual or consult your e-bike manufacturer for instructions on how to calibrate sensors. Regular calibration and firmware updates will ensure your e-bike is running efficiently and safely.


Troubleshooting an electric bicycle doesn't have to be a nightmare. With this comprehensive guide, you're well-equipped to identify and resolve common issues that might arise. Regular maintenance is crucial for ensuring the longevity and optimal performance of your e-bike. And remember, if you're not comfortable handling certain issues, don't hesitate to consult a professional technician at eBikeling!

With a range of high-quality parts and expert services, we at eBikeling can help ensure your electric bike remains in peak condition. Don’t let a minor hiccup keep you from the joy of e-biking. Give eBikeling a call or browse our store for everything you need to keep your e-bike running smoothly and efficiently. Your next adventure awaits!


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